Tuesday 23 September 2014

Key-lime Kiwi pie (Raw & Vegan)

Woohoo finally I have blogger on my mobile devices!! This is gonna be so much easier to update more often! 

So this is the target for today! Key-lime kiwi.  I love how the topping is so soft and smooth and it literally feels like some cake frost but of course without sugary taste. I love it that it also a bit sour while the nut is so nutty mad sweet in a way. This is vegan and raw!!
Yes raw-vegan can be yummy! 

For the base
- 1 cup of raw almonds
- 1 tsp coconut oil
- 1 tbsp apple sauce 
- 1/2 cup of dates

For the top layer or the green frost
- 1 ripe avocado 
- 1 green kiwi
- 1 tsp lime juice (real fresh lime please)
- 1 tsp rice or any kind of syrup 

- Start with the base, crush the almonds in the high speed blender, after finely blended then add the rest 
- put in crust in your bowl or something you have that this pie can be made, not too big tho
- put the crust into the freezer while you are making the topping
-  put every ingredients for the green frost layer into a mixer then mix for 10 minutes, we want it finely smooth and soft looking 
- take out the crust then put this topping over it
- decorate with goji berries ( optional) 
- put it into the fridge overnight or few hours if you can't wait that long.

Doesnt the frost looks so nice and soft??!! Mmm yes it is nice and soft. 

Hope you like it! As you know if it's too sour from lime juice or kiwi, you can also add some more syrup to cut it off. Or slowly put lime juice in a bit first and if you want it more sour the add more. Since not everyone like lime or sour taste for the dessert then it's totally adjustable to your preferences! Be creative since all these recipes can always be adapted ;) get the idea, know the process, them off you go, make your healthy desserts and meals! 

Friday 19 September 2014

Crunchy Peanut Butter-Oat Cookies (vegan & almost raw)

Once I have time, I have to update as many as I can. These recipes were pending to come on the blog

anyway! :P Sorry if I confuse you with many recipes all in once.

Last night, I made these cookies. I just went to buy creamy peanut butter from Denn’s then I thought

hmm what could I do with it?!?!? Then this idea came up, so I did it and they turned out yummy and

so creamy and nutty! Like how I love it :D


- 3 big tbs creamy 100% peanut butter (organic would is an ideal)

- 1 tbs coconut oil

- 1 tbs rice syrup or any other syrup you have or honey

- 1 tbs of Chia seeds (optional)

- 1⁄2 cup of oats


- Put coconut oil and peanut butter in a slightly warm pan to melt it and mix it will together so

it is a little bit watery ***BUT If your peanut butter and coconut oil are already melted then you do not need this process***

- Mix all the produces together

- Put it on a plate or bowl and form it into square

- Leave in the fridge overnight (or 4 hours plus)

- In the morning before leaving your home, cut in into pieces

- Have them for your breakfast snacks to keep you full and energy boost! 

Really nutter and crispy inside. They are almost raw (since I use some small amount heat to melt the

coconut oil and peanut butter) and they are certainly vegan!!!!

Enjoy :D

Thursday 18 September 2014

Yellow, Red, Purple, Dark Yellow Nana-Ice Cream

It has been very nice and sunny here in Berlin!
Apparently, summer does not wanna leave berlin just yet. However the weather forecast says it will start to be colder from next week, the real autumn! Urghhhhh
While it is still not that cold, slightly hot, I take the advantages by having my favorite nana-ice cream! This week I made yellow, red, and purple nana-ice cream!
The yellow nana-ice cream is typical with the ingredients which are
- 1 and a half frozen banana
- 60ml of liquid, almond milk, milk, yogurt, coconut water, or simply normal water
- 1 tbs peanut butter
- 1 ts maca powder (optional)
- 1 ts baobab
This is how it looks like


The Red nana-ice cream
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 handful raspberry
- 60-80 ml of coconut milk (beverage coconut milk, if it would be the one that use for cooking or cooking Asian curry will be too thick I suppose) 

The purple nana-ice cream
- 1 frozen banan
- 1 handful blueberry
- 1 tbs Acai berry powder
- 60-80ml of coconut milk or any other kind of your preferred or available milk or simple water

The Dark Yellow Nana-ice cream
- 1 frozen banana
- 3 dried dates
- 60-80ml of coconut milk or any other kind of your preferred or available milk or simple water
- 1 tsp maca powder (optional) 

I love crunchy toppings. Since week I bought quinoa puffs so I eat a lot of it! I love it. Healthy, crispy, gluten free. Then I topped with lots of almonds and some flax seeds and some fruits like pomegranates and peaches. Yummy, filling, healthy…. Ideal for weight loss dinner portion.

Monday 8 September 2014

Pumpkin Cookies - Vegan

It's pumpkin season!! be prepared with a lot of pumpkin recipes flooding up this blog because i do love pumpkin! I miss the Thai pumpkin though, it is somehow sweeter but okay any pumpkin will do! 

Last week we have got this pumpkin for free so we roasted the whole lot and there was a lot left so i thought i made something sweet with the rest of the roatsed-pumpkin. And it was cookies! 

Honestly, I have been craving for snacks and sweet a lot recently. Oops! This cookies are vegan!

So less talk and start with the cookies now. Here is how they look like! Yellow and yummy thats the concept. 

- 1 cup of Roasted, boiled, any cooked pumpkin
- 1 cup of rolled oats 
- 2 tbsp of Maple syrup or Agave syrup
- 1 tbsp of chia seeds
- 1/2 cup of mix dried fruits: cranberries, apricot, and dates
- Goji berry for topping (optional) 

- Preheat the over at 180 degree
- Mash the pumpkin 
- Put everything else in  and mix it all together until nice and well mixed 
- Use your hands to make it into the cookie shapes, lie them on the baking paper and until put them in the oven
- Bake for 20-30 minutes until they are nicely yellow and done 
- You may top with more dried fruits, in the picture is goji berries (Optional) 

Then eat them! 
Me and my husband have eaten them with a little bit of almond butter on top of the cookies, which were also very nice. 

I like them that they a a bit crispy from the outside and chewy on the inside. And with almond butter it was so nutty and pumpkinny haha so yummy and food for you! With out without almond butter are both delicious!

Enjoy :) 

Chocolate chip banana bread - flourless

Something very special and healthy?!?! 
What could you ask for more for this super easy recipe.
It has an egg in it, so sorry if you are a vegan! 

This deliciousness is so easy and it looks so good, doesnt it?

- 1 cup of rolled oat
- 1 ripe banana
- 2 table spoons of dark chocolate chips 
- 1 tbsp of chia seeds 
- 1 tsp melted coconut oil
- 1 medium egg 

- preheat the oven at 180 degree
- mash the banana
- Put the egg and mix it well with the banana
- put in rolled oat, chia seeds, coconut oil,and dark choco chips in
- mix it all well until food and ready to go 
- Put it into the oven for 20-30 minutes until done
- Then enjoy! When it's warm its really nice, I liked it with coffee and tea :)

Super easy fast and no flour! 
The only flour we should use is Buck wheat flour for goodness. I will try to make something with buck wheat flour soon :) but for now i am still on weight loss mission, therefore, minimum of flour is consumed :P 

I bought this book from Urban Outfitter about 3 weeks ago and it is so good! Be pretty from inside out, eat right food for right skin and mind :) recommended!