Friday 19 September 2014

Crunchy Peanut Butter-Oat Cookies (vegan & almost raw)

Once I have time, I have to update as many as I can. These recipes were pending to come on the blog

anyway! :P Sorry if I confuse you with many recipes all in once.

Last night, I made these cookies. I just went to buy creamy peanut butter from Denn’s then I thought

hmm what could I do with it?!?!? Then this idea came up, so I did it and they turned out yummy and

so creamy and nutty! Like how I love it :D


- 3 big tbs creamy 100% peanut butter (organic would is an ideal)

- 1 tbs coconut oil

- 1 tbs rice syrup or any other syrup you have or honey

- 1 tbs of Chia seeds (optional)

- 1⁄2 cup of oats


- Put coconut oil and peanut butter in a slightly warm pan to melt it and mix it will together so

it is a little bit watery ***BUT If your peanut butter and coconut oil are already melted then you do not need this process***

- Mix all the produces together

- Put it on a plate or bowl and form it into square

- Leave in the fridge overnight (or 4 hours plus)

- In the morning before leaving your home, cut in into pieces

- Have them for your breakfast snacks to keep you full and energy boost! 

Really nutter and crispy inside. They are almost raw (since I use some small amount heat to melt the

coconut oil and peanut butter) and they are certainly vegan!!!!

Enjoy :D

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