Monday 30 June 2014


I was doing some research about food before i went to sleep last night (yes, i got every hungry right before i go to bed! But we must not eat before bedtime!) 

So today during lunch break I went to Bio Company next to the office to get some stuff. What i have got today was
- Rice Syrup
- Wholewheat pretzel 
- Almond milk for breakfast 
- Low fat yogurt
- 70% dark chocolate (i usually have 85% dark chocolate but unfortunately they did not have it, but 70%++ is fine)
- 1kg of fresh strawberries

Then during the ride home, I was thinking, what should i have today with pretzel?!?! AHHH Cheesecake!

I know it is not really cheesecake but it was 80% the same! I did not have time to put them into the fridge to make bas and etc. cuz it was 6.20PM and I was hungry! So this is how it turned out. It was so yummy though!

- 100g wholewheat organic pretzel
- 50g low fat yogurt or Greek yogurt or low fat cream cheese
- 1 tbsp peanut putter 
- Few drops of rice syrup (optional)
- 1 tbsp maca powder

- Fresh strawberries
- Hemp seeds
- Granola
- Coconut chips

- Mash the pretzel roughly
- Mix in peanut butter and rice syrup, mix it til its nice and smooth, press the base tight into a bowl or a jar
- Put it into the fridge for an hour or two, or if you dont mind, you can just eat it right after like i did
- Mix yogurt with maca powder for some good nutrition!
- Put mixed yogurt on top of the pretzel base
- put toppings on the yogurt
- Then enjoy

I suggest to try it with real low fat cream cheese as it would probably stay better than yogurt (I would try it next time when i dont forget to buy cream cheese)

Saturday 28 June 2014

It is perfect for summer!

Yes it is summer and we do crave for some ice cream!!! But make sure it is healthy and worth putting it into your body! 

Today I made Nana Coco Nutty Ice cream after a long day shopping in Berlin! So much stuff to buy here oh gosh!

Throw back, This is simple Nana Peanutbutter ice cream i made on Friday 27th June 2014. After a long day at work...

Today's Nana Coco Nutty Ice Cream!!!

It was so yummy, creamy, and chewy!

- 1 ripe frozen banana
- 1/2 cup fresh sweet strawberry
- 50ml Almond milk
- 1 tbsp Maca powder
- 2 tbsp coconut flake 
-1 tbsp almond meal 
- 1 tbsp 100% peanut butter

- Put all ingredients in and blend blend blend til smooth!
- Top your ice cream with some fruits and nuts

Thats it and then enjoy! 

I am sorry I have not been making much of a food variety at the moment because of new place, new city, work, etc.... so during the weekdays i am totally boring with food and eat whatever I have which are mainly nuts, fruits, oat, dried fruits. Once i am settled, I promise i will make more variety and different fun dishes!

Friday 27 June 2014

Overnight Cinnamon Chia Oatmeal

The laziest yet healthy breakfast we could do for busy weekday ahead! Its nothing but Overnight Oatmeal!!!

Oatmeal is considered one of the healthiest food! Here are some benefits of oatmeal which i am addicted to it! :P
- It lowers yours cholesterol level
- Antioxidants
- Prevent heart failure with whole grain breakfast
- Stabilize blood sugar
-It is fiber from whole grain! help women in preventing breast cancer

The best oat that we can eat is steel cut oat or Irish oat, which is unfortunate that we cannot really find that in Germany! :( but rolled oat will do!

 I love it because it is so easy and it is certainly raw!

- 50g of old fashion rolled oats 
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
- 1/2 cup of almond milk (or nut milk, banana milk, any milk will do)
-50g low fat yogurt or Greek yogurt
 - 1 tsp cinnamon

- Mix all of the ingredients in a jar
- Leave it overnight (8 hours+)
- In the morning cut some desired fruits and put on top (I topped with 1/2 cup of mango)
-Add some raw sunflower and hemp seeds
-Enjoy your easy peasy breakfast!!!!


Wednesday 25 June 2014

Eating habit

Have you ever noticed or counted how many time you eat and snack per day?
Have you ever thought i wish i would never pick some random food into your mouth?
Do you snack all the time, especially for women during the hormones period?

Then maybe you should consider your eating habit!

Before this diet, i was all of what i have mentioned above. I did not think nor count how many time i snack per day but i know very often. I always picked some random food into my mouth. During the period when i am about to have period, i snack literally every 2 hours! Ridiculous!!!!!

Changing what you are used to is very hard i must say!Maybe the hardest thing ever during the start of this diet trial but it is possible depending your will and motivation!

So this is the habit you should do
Set the time and a goal! A goal how how much calories you should intake per snack!
8AM Have breakfast
11AM have my morning snack
1-2PM have lunch
4-5PM have snack
6-7PM dinner

at the beginning it is hard but once you are used to it, it will be just like other habit you have. Its called creating yourself a healthy habit! But you know sometime you can make an exception e.g. when you having a family day or out with friends.

What to have for snacks?
SOMETHING HEALTHY fruit and veggies based of course! 
My current snacks are usually
- Rice crackers (find the lowest calories) with peanut butter
- wholegrain crackers with cheese
- Cottage cheese
- a bottle of diet coke (YES it is count as your snack this fizzy drinks!!!)
- an apple dip with peanut butter or greek yogurt
- Low fat yogurt
- Veggie snacks (carrots, broccoli, celery) maybe dip with some sauce or yogurt
- Homemade oat cookies 
- Dark chocolate
- Homemade roasted spicy chickpeas

For snacks, I would limit calories intake not to be over 200 calories per snack. It is very important for losing weight to control the calories! But if you are doing it for your health I would suggest more calories as usually we should eat 2,000 calories per day for women and for men is 2,500 per day. If you wanna lose weight you have you eat maximum 1,500 calories per day. So start checking your food product calories when you buy them! (My weight loss diet is low cal)

I will slowly make those that require recipes :) no worries!
But you can also make a little creation and start doing yourself too! it is a fun process.

Remember when you go do grocery shopping, buy healthy stuff and you will eat healthy! 



Tuesday 24 June 2014

Nana Ice Cream

So i have just started an internship in Berlin and i have been super busy and tired! Sorry for not updating sooner.

So today i got home and made myself a wonderful, smooth, and yummy nana-icecream 

It is super easy and raw all you need is just a high speed blender. I would recommend 700watt++ in order to make it very smoothly and ice cream alike. 

Ta-da! This is my nana ice cream, doesnt it look yummy??!!

- 1+1/2 big ripes of frozen bananas
- 1 tbsp maca powder
-60ml of almond milk or nut milk (normal milk will do as well)

- Put all of the ingredients into the blender (High Speed!)
- Blend it all until nice and smooth
-Ready to eat!

I topped it with my chia pudding which i have made on Sunday (the recipe can be found on the previous post called "Chia pudding") and some granola

This is really good when you crave for some deserts and ice cream.

Maca powder helps you boost your energy as it is one of the super food that is super healthy 
I bought mine at Mammut Bio Super Market but i am sure that it can be found in most bio super market. Mine one was 10.99 Euro for 300g. It is a bit expensive but it will last for months since you usually only use it 1-2 tablespoon per use. It can be mixed with smoothie, oatmeal, and yogurt. It smells and tastes awesome!

Maca is really good for our health especially for women. Here is some health benefits:
1. Rich in vitamin B,C,E and others like iron, zinc, magnesium, etc...
2. It boosts your libido, increase endurance, and balance your hormones
3. It relives menstrual and menopause
4. It increase your energy throughout the day!
5. It helps our health in general, which means it is really good for our body!
6. Good for skin as it helps with acne issues and decrease sensitivity due to weather
7. It balances your mood (especially for women during that time of the month!)

I hope you guys like it! I will try to update again tomorrow :)


Sunday 22 June 2014

Sweet killer

So i guess it is that time of the month that i crave for desserts or something sweet (we cant escape hormones!). So today's dinner i made myself a sweet smoothie, so yummy and filling and yes so healthy! 

Nana-date Smoothie Pudding

Yes the bottom layer is Chia pudding (Recipe of the Chia pudding can be found in the previous post)
- 1 big ripe of frozen banana
- 1 dried fig
- 3 dried dates (this is the sweetener source, less or more depends on how sweet you want)
- 1 tbsp of flax seeds
- 1 tbsp maca powder
- 60ml of almond milk or other kind of milk will do
- 2 tbsp of Chia pudding
- Toppings: almond nuts, watermelon seeds, hemp seeds, cashew nuts, coconut chips, and 4 strawberries

- Put the first 6 ingredients into the high power blender
- Blend for 5 mins or until mixed and smooth
- Prepare Chia pudding in a glass, then pure the smoothie on top of Chia pudding
- Decorate with toppings
- Toppings may be some other things you like as this is flexible but make sure you give it a balance amount of nutrition 

And there you go! a sweet killer, you stop yourself from craving some sweets, cakes, and other unhealthy desserts!

Enjoy XXX :)

Chia Pudding

I proudly present the most yummy and healthy pudding ever, Chia seeds pudding!!! :D

About Chia seeds:
Chia seeds come from desert plant called Salvia Hispanica.
Chia seeds contain healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and calcium. All awesome stuff for our body!

Chia seeds are raw and unprocessed, which means you receive all benefits from it straight away. Awesome right?!?! It is also preferred food for raw vegan diet. They are whole-grain food that can be absorbed by the body as seeds. (Zelman, K. M., 2010)

Chia seeds help a lot if you wish to lose some kilogram! It is easy to eat and yummy with a little bit of creation of cuz! I usually have Chia seeds pudding with fruits, krispy granola, and smoothies. It is suitable for when you crave for something sweet or desserts as you make it kind of a dessert, It is a pudding! And the most certain thing is that Chia seeds pudding is totally raw (no hot cooking process require!)

2 tbsp of Chia seeds contain 139 calories (healthy calories! which is what you need) 4g Protein, 9g fat, 12g carb, 11g fiber, and minerals and vitamins

- 1/4 cup Chia seeds
- 1 and 1/2 cup almond Milk
- 1 tsp organic honey (optional)

- Mix all the ingredients together in a jar 
-Mix it well with the the spoon
-Put the jar in the fridge for at least 5 hours or overnight
-Give it a stir one more time during these hours to make sure all seeds will pop as pudding and absorb the liquid properly
- Then there you go, ready to eat! You will get the result like the picture above.
Example of my Chia seeds pudding creation

 - Add the pudding in your smoothies, layer it
- Have it as a pudding, topped with fruits, granola, dried fruits, milk, honey, or dark chocolate nibs
- How ever your desire with something you like!

Where to buy all the ingredients in Germany:
Biomarkt, Bio Super market of course! I bought mine in Mammut which was 400g package for 14.99, In Denn's it is 2 Euro cheaper (Damnn you Mammut!) This package can last up to 2-3 months! It is a bit expensive but it last a long time. For instance, my 1 jar of chia pudding, I can have it 3-4 times. Well try not to leave it too long in the fridge tho! I would say finish it within 3 days maximum. Almond milk in Denn's cost 2.99. The jar! I bought mine from Kaufland and it was only 0.89. You should definitely buy a few since the jars are quite useful!

I am sorry my Thai friends, I have no idea where to buy all these stuff but i think in Lemon Farm should be the place to buy organic and healthy ingredients! Villa Market and Gourmet Super Market in Siam Paragon. If you found out somehow please let me know where you have bought it!

Enjoy! XXX :)


Why have I changed myself?

I think most of us wanna live healthy lifestyle.
At least we have all wished so or said we would like to do so.
Well, That is what i think!

Let me tell you since the beginning of this change::: 
I went back to Thailand at the beginning of this year for a month. I ate so much because i missed the food, cheap food, different food! I weighted 64-65++ kg during my stay in Thailand.

I honestly was never happy with my body, how i look, and how&what i eat. I became obsessed with weight and getting on the scale to check what i have gained and then of course i got depressed 90% of the time. Every time i eat, I always wanna weight myself and i know human usually gain some kg right after eating still I was obsessed (Weird i know). Every time there is food, I would just put into my mouth. But then  i wished i was 50kg!! how ridiculous is that, i know right?!?  I always had a fight with my own body, mind, and eating habit. I knew it was not healthy mentally and physically. 

When i come back to Germany, I was nearly 66kg! the highest weight i gained was 70 (when i was living in Australia, i looked like a whale LOL) I was thinking damn would i ever touch the heaviest point again? and of course i do not want that and will never ever want that.I guess just like every other women.

Then i thought i like to eat and i wanna appreciate my body for once in a life time then i need to change, but how?

I started the research about what to eat for weight loss then i took the actual note what to buy when at the grocery that could help me lose weight. For instance, pearl barley, oats, dark chocolate, nuts and seeds. 

I began with controlling my calories intake, since my research told me that eating at about or less than 1,500 calories a day can help you lose wight. So i started to control my breakfast, lunch and dinner.  It was tough!

The hardest thing for me is changing eating habit. I must say that i loved a big portion especially when i was really hungry. I told myself I must start with reducing my portion. At the beginning it was hard! I didnt feel full, I always wanted more, but after 2-3 weeks it got smoother. I also loved snacks very much, crisp, sweets, candy, etc. However, during the day I've set my goal that i was only allowed to have 2 snacks per day, which is after breakfast and lunch. It was hard because there is time, especially because of hormones, you just want to snack and chew something! It was really hard but i gave it a month to stay with this eating habit with high concentration, focused goal, and all the power to control myself. So today I am here at the successful level. Finally! 

This morning I weighted myself and it was 56.8 and my current goal is 54 (my height is 164) I have come this far and I am not backing off.

I've changed my diet and eating habit and i am very happy with it!

What you need is patience, very high patience and strength if you wanna lose weight.
You need high motivation, belief, and creativity if you want to be happily healthy mentally and physically.

Doesn't it look yummy? :)

xxx :)

Tuesday 17 June 2014


My name is Paully
I am Thai
I am 26 years old
Currently living in Heilbronn and Berlin, Germany

I will keep the introduction short :)

My blog will be about healthy food and happiness all the way
Before I have reached where i am today, I was inspired by many people on the social network sites, therefore, I would like to share and keep on inspiring my friends and people who read my blog :)
So I am here to inspire and motivate my friends to the healthier and happier living lifestyle

I have been in healthy diet for 3 months now. The benefit of this blog is you can grow to the healthier lifestyle with me. Everything i cook, read, learn, and  am inspired, I will share with you here. Also every little tiny information about healthy meals, will be in this blog.

Thank you for reading this far and stay tuned! =]